Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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On October 13, met at the State-Cities and Local Governments, at the request of ANCI, the technical panel to discuss the implementation of provisions for updating the register contained in the summer operation (Article 19 of Decree 78, converted into Law No. 122/2010).
''Sharing forms of collaboration between Land Agency and municipalities to implement integrated property of the Registry to be operational by January 1, 2011 and setting up short of the Joint Committee at the State- Cities with functions of address for the conduct of activities and functions cadastral innovate the rules of the end of July were the main themes and immediate results of the meeting of the Board''said Angelo Rughetti after the important meeting. The ANCI'' - Added Rughetti - underlined how, in the new regulatory framework, management and maintenance of cadastral data, we assume for the municipalities and the new system of fiscal autonomy on the property provided by the Government as early as 2011, in implementation of fiscal federalism , an important strategic and specific than the same implementation of the decentralization of land. In fact, the new provisions relating to 'update the cadastre' attention will shift the axis of Commons towards the evolution of the system from the perspective of 'real estate federalism', the foundations of which are represented by their own free and open access to ' Population Integrated Property, without which, it is difficult immaginare, per i Comuni, il monitoraggio e controllo delle proprie basi imponibili’’.
‘’L’ANCI – ha sottolineato ancora il Segretario Generale - ha poi rimarcato la necessità, non più rinviabile e improcrastinabile, di mettere a punto i tasselli tecnico giuridici utili ad allineare i dispositivi normativi con le necessarie forme di collaborazione Comuni-Agenzia del Territorio per arrivare alla piena accessibilità ed interoperabilità applicativa delle banche dati catastali, il cui termine di decorrenza è previsto al 1° marzo 2011. Quest’adempimento riveste per i Comuni importanza strategica e fondamentale poiché l’integrazione tra le informazioni catastali and the identity of the owners is the basic principle of inter-institutional cooperation can ensure a more effective capacity to the municipalities for recovery of tax evasion.'' With regard to''then Dpcm first implementation, which is responsible for standardizing and put 'steady' model of collaboration between municipalities and Land Agency, ANCI has indicated that the measure-to be issued by February 1 2011 - will necessarily have to protect and promote all the trials under way and in the process of activation, based on the experience now consolidated and shared with the Agency. In this regard - ended Rughetti - will recover As proposed by the committee 'ANCI and shared in the Conference State - City in the last technical board last May.'' (Press ANCI)

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In the month of October is about to be taken, by CNIPA (DIGITpa), the first monitoring phase of the project objectives.
are illustrated below, the activities undertaken so far to the objectives will be monitored.

The object of service and making available data on the Web by integrating the municipal and cadastral databases with reference to buildings in the area, and place names to identify them to register and building practices being implemented.
This service is made under the agreements signed by the Lombardy Region with inter Development of Infrastructure for Spatial Information (IIT) and makes it possible to apply a basic level of information, linked with other information on a regional scale, the guarantee of access security standards set by people outside the rules. Consultation is available through the Geoportal of the Lombardy Region. For the conditions of access and consultation, see the post "Cooperation Application of the Lombardy Region and CST SIGIT the first results: the publication of data. "
The service involves sending data through a specific domain by the office door to inter-regional structure and the publication by the Region of Lombardy, in its Geoportal.
The service is available for the municipalities of Arluno, Bareilly, Casorezzo, Corbetta, Ossona, Santo Stefano Ticino and Sedriano.

The object of the service for presentation of documents related to the activity of PGT in the SIT with the regional development of all the activities required by the Lombardy Region for the delivery of digital material, as required by the guidelines and circulars in this regard as a necessary pre-condition on BURL publication.
The office is committed to complete tasks in the shortest time necessary, however in a maximum of 60 days from the acquisition of digital material produced by the technician in charge of the project or structure of the PGT PGT or variants, noting that will be enough for the graphics component size. dwg.
The service was held for municipalities that already have PGT Bareilly, and Corbetta Santo Stefano Ticino, and the results are available on the regional portal .

The object of the service makes it possible to integrate with the urban cadastral information for the purposes of quality improvement and simplification of administrative tasks for the issuance of the certificates of urban use (CDU ).
The service is made in consideration of the role of the Office of Inter-integrated update of the database register with the urban municipality, obtained through the periodic discharge of the DB register, made available by the Land Agency through its institutional distribution channels.
are responsible for the issuing of certificates is on the part of municipalities and facilities mentioned in this regard by the relevant legislation in this area.
For more details about the service, see the post "EXPERIMENTAL CDU."
The service was launched in prototype form the town of Bareilly.

integrity checking land registry received:
The object of the service includes its monitoring practices DOCFA land in acceptance with the institutional channels of the Agency of Natural Resources, also aimed at the provision of common concerns and the adequacy of the cadastral income proposal, the coherence of toponymic quote as well as verification of properly inserted in map building. The activity allows the verification of consistency with common practice, the construction of reference and the activation of subsequent administrative proceedings by the common (technical or tax) in the case were found as a contrast. The
relates also the publication of statistics on the activities of Inter-Office Communication Platform ( site) to ensure the overall monitoring of activities on the land registry services and their integration with the central system ( or at Corby Gaggiano). Although aimed mainly at common agreement, the publication of reports is on open space, available free from the traditional web channels, allowing adequate information about the type and quantity of services rendered to the public land.
The service is available for the municipalities of Arluno, Bareilly, Casorezzo, CISL, Corbetta, Mesero, Ossona, Santo Stefano Ticino and Sedriano.

The object of service and the provision of municipal administrations and the public outside of the indicators that can represent and historical context in quantitative and qualitative transformations and the consistency of banks data managed within the Office Inter.
The publication is the Inter-Office Communication Platform ( site) to ensure monitoring of the development of indicators for each municipality, and Related historicized mode compared to the local context and in order to simplify the consultation also for major public users. Although aimed mainly at common agreement, for this service, publication of the indicators is on open space, available free from the traditional web channels, allowing adequate information about the type and quality of accessible databases.
active service for the municipalities of Arluno, Bareilly, Casorezzo, CISL, Corbetta, Mesero, Ossona, Santo Stefano Ticino and Sedriano.

The service has led to the development of a management software in use at the counters of the central land registry and Gaggiano Corbetta and consultation to units of devices for recording revenues / fees and municipal and registration and statistical activities desk. The software product is maintained in the doors free of common agreement, in accordance with the criteria set by the Land Agency for the performance of public services.
The service includes posting on web portal of the Office of Inter-reporting of activities to ensure the overall monitoring of the cadastral services and their integration with the central system (or at Corby Gaggiano).
active service for the municipalities of Bareilly, CISL, and Corbetta Mesero.

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By Decree 7571 of 29 July 2010, the Lombardy Region has approved the new funding scheme aimed at local authorities in 2010 that provides 2 million euro project for the development of topographic database, the new mapping technique in digital format, multi-scale and shared between local and the Region.
Among the innovative aspects of this announcement, there is the possibility to finance "projects prototype for the integration of cadastral information and topography, which will represent an important step forward for the sharing of local knowledge among all institutions of public administration system in Lombardy.
The notice also provides for the development of projects to upgrade the existing topographical database in order to maintain the knowledge of the area aligned with the changes induced by new buildings or other urban transformation, experiencing the interchange of data between local and region and using the technological infrastructure provided by Regione Lombardia.
To address these innovative activities in the municipalities, the Lombardy Region has prepared a guidance document on implementation of Art. 3 of the rl 12/05: the "Framework for updating the data base topographical cadastral data interchange with banks" was approved by Resolution of the Regional No 338, July 28, 2010. The Office
Inter SIGIT, in agreement with the Province of Milan and other territorial engaged on these issues, is working on the production of a prototype project.
Updating the DBT and the integration of cadastral data in the DBT and local information archives will be the focus of the hypothesis of the project.
The goal to be asked to pursue is to ensure the highest quality information local territorial and regional levels, proactively checking the consistency of the objects (objects of the new update) of DBT with the data of land managed by the Land registries and databases.

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The project is part of GIT paths of evolution of the PA aimed at developing, through the use of technological tools and the definition of organizational conditions, cooperation between administrations for the provision of integrated services to citizens, companies and professionals.

In particular, the project GIT aims to develop models of information management and organization of the participating municipalities to

• share register and the function of government taxation, through the use of information flow of Land and Revenue Agency, as provided by law and circular
• Reduce the Digital Divide;
• monitor and manage local development as a heritage;
• develop forms of fiscal equity through a direct relationship with citizens;
• Implement concrete forms of administrative simplification and transparency citizens and businesses.

In line with the sharing of experiences among the participating municipalities, the project enhances the experience and investment of the project participants and aims to implement an exchange, resulting in an enrichment of the potential service delivery more effective.
It includes the activation of specific levels of applied cooperation in order to submit a chain of institutional decentralization of government, which has characterized the last years. Success factor is the involvement provided by the decentralization of the Agency of Natural Resources, Revenue and the region for layers of information and resources for their competence.
The project will achieve three main objectives:

• Definition of technological systems functioning: Start at every aggregation / organization a technological environment in which the GIT platform and application services developed have been tested;
• Development of models of functioning institutional, organizational and management: making models of operation at the institutional, organizational and management, tax and land, even with the definition of technology specifications to support their implementation. Implement project designing a working solution in pilot areas in reference to general models definiti.
• Disseminazione delle buone pratiche: attivare la circolazione di buone pratiche fra enti/aggregazioni. Tra i soggetti aderenti al progetto le buone pratiche sono rappresentate da soluzioni istituzionali, organizzative, funzionali e tecnologiche necessarie al raggiungimento degli obiettivi 1 e 2. Verso l’esterno la disseminazione delle buone pratiche è rappresentata dalla presentazione dei risultati ottenuti dal Progetto.

In allegato la scheda “Progetto di Sviluppo” realizzata dal SIGIT per la partecipazione al progetto G.I.T.