Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ideas For Sorority Initiation


The Office of Inter-Gaggiano Corbetta and participated in the Ministerial announcement sponsored by CNIPA and was recognized as the Regional Service Center (TSC).
The project develops new features for inter-municipal offices for the Services and Territorial Cadastral Corbetta and Gaggiano.
The new features pertain to the involvement of local industries for the production and commercial activities, improving land management services, development of indicators for monitoring and integration the procedures of connection between the land and building practices by experiencing Mude (Unique Model for Building Digital).
services in the project are 10 (now in design stage) and cover various topics some of which are important at regional and national levels.


  1. Mude (Unique Model for Building Digital)
  2. design and development of a management software for banks decentralized land
  3. Servizi di consultazione della banca dati integrata edilizia e catastale per utenti esterni tramite WEBSIT SIGIT
  4. definizione di una procedura di acquisizione dei dati catastali dall’Agenzia del Territorio relativi alle nuove pratiche per lo sviluppo delle verifiche di congruità a cui i comuni sono chiamati.
  5. Gestione delle informazioni relative ad attività produttive e commerciali presenti nei Comuni con restituzione delle informazioni nella piattaforma WEBSIT SIGIT
  6. Sviluppo indicatori statistici per il monitoraggio delle trasformazioni spatial and quality of data managed, the service also provides for the development of indicators intended to also assess the quality of the consistency of the databases operated
  7. topographic DB Update: the development of new methods of data acquisition in ' context of the procedures in place to SIGIT, designed to automate the updating of topographic DB. Regions and provinces have expressed interest in identifying entities that can address, in a proper economy of scale, the issue of maintenance of the data.
  8. Transmission of documents for publication on PGT SIT regional activity aims to file documents to PGT in regional SIT, a recent measure has set as a pre-condition for publication in the hoax and that requires specific knowledge on GIS
9 . Issue of CDU (Certificates of urban destination) responds to the municipalities to simplify and improve the activities for the release of the CDU, in view of the possibility that the 'Inter-Office of continuous updating of the cadastral database. Questa attività interesserà un solo comune in via sperimentale, già dotato di PGT, trattandosi di un tema non incluso nella convenzione per la gestione associata, ma che potrà essere di attivato come servizio “a richiesta”.
10.    Servizi per la semplificazione del procedimento di Certificazione energetica degli  edifici in cooperazione con il CENED (Regione)  

Wording Congratulations On Having A Baby


often think that new technologies can automatically solve the problems of data quality, thereby helping to simplify administrative procedures and reduce the time waiting and working for public offices and their customers (citizens).
The new tools available to the various agencies, in reality, can help to improve the performance of services, increase profitability and reduce delivery times, but first need to available data are correct, the only way it will be possible to achieve better results in terms of increasing efficiency and provide services.

The websit can be considered as a kind of "container" within which you can enter various data banks, which have a link between them (the link can be made through street and house number or through register data) and obviously the databases must have a solid baseline that is what we call "base maps" (buildings, streets, house number and orthophotos). The quality delle banche dati inserite gioca quindi un ruolo fondamentale per il corretto funzionamento dell’intero sistema.
I tempi necessari per la costruzione di un servizio di WebSit efficiente, sono lunghi poiché per funzionare in modo ottimale e soddisfare il maggior numero di richieste, questo deve essere costruito partendo da una base di dati ordinati e precisi.
Un Websit strutturato in maniera arbitraria non raggiunge un buon livello di precisione e le operazioni di analisi e di lettura saranno limitate.
Inoltre il WebSit SIGIT messo a disposizione dei comuni non è a Geographic Information System as others, in fact, differs in its ability to improve: OFFICE ultrasonography through the ability to edit and update data (place names and register real estate) in it.

The base of the websit is made up of streets and civic buildings, and these elements will be connected to all the information from different databases and municipal.
Particularly important is the number, which for example may be connected to the database dell’ufficio anagrafico comunale permettendo così una spazializzazione della popolazione sul territorio. Ogni iscritto nei registri comunali può essere rintracciato sul territorio. Nel WebSit il numero civico è legato al fabbricato di riferimento quindi la popolazione è collegabile al fabbricato, che tra i vari dati possiede anche quelli catastali fino alla divisione in subalterni. Con pochi passaggi, si ha quindi la possibilità attraverso un numero civico di ottenere tantissime informazioni territoriali, sociali ed economiche; ad esempio si possono incrociare i dati dell’ufficio anagrafico (popolazione), dell’ufficio tecnico (pratiche edilizie, PGT), dell’ufficio tributi (Ici – Tarsu-Tia), dei lavori public and communal property (parks, cycle paths), local police etc ... through the identification of the data in the area.

The potential of the websit are many but it is easy to see that to achieve all this is essential given that the "home address" is unique and correct. The interaction between different banks can take place if their data are correct, otherwise you need to proceed with a phase of data cleansing.

To better describe the problem of reclamation of the city as we try to illustrate some case studies found at the crossroads of the municipal database.

Let's look at the housing unit located at the corner of two streets.
We have a single house where a family resides composta da 3 elementi. Data per certa la corretta nomina dei tre numeri civici sulle due vie abbiamo:
-           civico n°22 di via XXV Aprile – Carraio
-           civico n°5 di via Carducci – Pedonale
- house No. 7 Via Carducci - Pedestrian

analysis of the databases provided by the municipality in which the house is returned reference (the main house) that they are connected to the information office You can find these informazioni:

Banca dati ANAGRAFE
Civico di riferimento via Carducci 5                (dove è stata assegnata la residenza)
Banca dati ICI
Civico di riferimento via Carducci 7
Database TIA
Municipal Reference away XVV April 22
Civic reference Via Carducci 9 (detailed in the land)

It is clear that before attempting to cross these data banks automatically becomes impossible and is therefore need to operate manually to achieve consistency between the databases mentioned above. Office software through the ultrasound can be identified on maps the main street in this case is No. 5 on A Street - Pedestrian. At this point it is necessary, because everything works, that the civic internal reference to other databases to be modified depending on the main street identified .

Other popular event is the presence of accessible entrances not numbered, marked for example as a result of surveying in the field of numbering.
OFFICE Through the use of ultrasound is possible fix these "empty" (the master Regulation provides for the numbering of all these access road). In this case, the placement of house numbers could be following:
- 1 PEDONALE – principale
-           1/A CARRAIO - secondario
-           3 PEDONALE - principale
-           3/A CARRAIO - secondario

Una volta bonificato da questi errori lo stradario digitale (le banche dati), il Websit diventa la semplificazione digitale della realtà, meno soggetta ad errori e senza dubbio utile per molteplici scopi.

È molto importante inoltre controllare la sintassi dei toponimi delle vie. Per fare ciò potrebbe essere utile seguire le linee guida fornite dall’Istat.
Below is what was communicated to the Istat-SIGIT CST.

Activities for the improvement of municipal street:
- complete the street in this registry
- the street should be unique within the commune
- the name of the streets should be recorded in full, complete spacing the words with a space, no abbreviations and spelling errors and capital letters, preferably with the description given in the relevant resolutions of the place names of which you can find a copy. Conventionally, in an electronic addresses are listed in order Alphabetical excluding the species (DUG, urban generic name) that identifies the type of street name (street, square, waterfront, climbing, etc. ..) and any supplement to the DUG (prepositions are not strictly related to the designation of the name, like gods, , of the li ... etc). for reasons of electronic follow the following rules:
· the streets that bear dates expressed in Arabic numerals (eg, via August 18, 1944) are at the top list
· the streets that bear dates expressed in Roman numerals, appear in letter for the first character (eg VIALE IV NOVEMBRE is inserted in the letter "I")
· the vie intestate a “FRATELLI” (es. VIA FRATELLI ZONDINI) o “SORELLE”(es. VIA SORELLE JACCHIA) sono inserite rispettivamente nelle lettere “F” e “S”.
·          le vie intestate a religiosi, precedute dall’attributo “DON” (es. VIA DON MINZONI) o “PADRE”(es. VIA PADRE VINICIO DA SARSINA) sono inserite rispettivamente nelle lettere “D” e “P”.
· the streets made out to personal names with honorifics (eg GENERAL CAPITAL. . etc.) are inserted respectively with the letters "G" and "C".
· the streets with proper names to sort follows the letter of the surname, unless otherwise indicated in the resolution. This name is often a problem of how to order, some municipalities use a duplicate of the best performing name linked by an alias. In one of the shows in the first and last name and last name and first name.
· The change of name for the construction of an electronic archive does not include any structured public communication. The communication must be made only if the name change of the name of the street provided by a special municipal decision (eg VIA GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI PIETRO which becomes Via Mascagni)

Upon completion of the placement of house numbers and place names road map of the base and all the databases that you want to load you can cross them and analyze the results. The utility derived from the intersection of databases can be numerous such as the comparison of tax self-certifications, analysis, identifying the correct placement of the age brackets of the population, etc. ...

Once the territorial basis, and databases are cleared and you can successfully maintain the accuracy of the data for new construction through the procedure developed by SIGIT Professionals, which provides for the allocation civic numbers correct before piling for the collimation off-street-with internal -sheet-subordinate cadastral maps.

Causes Of Colon Infection

websit SIGIT

A Geographic Information System (SIT) è un insieme di procedure e di banche dati diverse, ma integrate tra loro, che consentono la gestione dei diversi oggetti sul territorio e la consultazione di tutte le informazioni, ad essi relative, contenute nelle banche dati associate.
Obiettivo principale di un SIT è infatti l’integrazione delle informazioni, provenienti da diversi settori (fonti) e la relazione di tali informazioni con oggetti individuabili sul territorio .                              
The SIT is therefore a useful tool to enable a better understanding of the area in terms physical, economic, social and environmental factors and therefore essential for the choices of government land .

The SIGIT available to the council offices a websit , accessible via connection to the Internet, which contains information from different databases municipal and non-gathered at the offices and produced by SIGIT same.
The relationship between the different databases is done through the sharing of spatial references municipalities such as the number of which are based databases such as the registry, tax, land registry etc ...
main purpose of the websit SIGIT is to achieve full correspondence between the data toponyms (street, house, inside) with those land (sheet, cadastral maps, subordinate) to obtain a relationship between the different databases by identifying the same spatial reference.
However, the connection and integration of different databases, highlights several issues, within a single municipality are produced a large amount of databases, but managed by separate systems and offices.
is therefore essential to the creation of a data warehouse or a container for all the local databases, tempered by mistakes that often they find themselves.

THE SIGIT websit: Some data SIGIT pole CORBETTA

Toponymy :
Toponyms Road 1166
Archi Road 3870
House numbers 18831
Civic issued not found 27
Inputs table will not be issued 956
inputs without number 11037
Sigit Practices:
Practices Unit 874
Estate 6929
estate Population:
Buildings 26605

TOPONYMY : refers to municipal roads in the territories.
For name road means the road as well as appointed by the municipal decision of defining itself.
A Street arc is a portion of road between two intersections (or end of the year). So a way that does not encounter other has only one arch, if you meet with another will consist of two arcs, etc. ...

NUMBER  si divide in:
  • numeri civici : derivati dal rilievo della numerazione effettuato sul territorio, incrociati con i dati presenti principalmente nel data base anagrafico
  • civici rilasciati non trovati : civici presenti in banca dati anagrafica ma non rintracciati sul territorio durante il rilievo
  • ingressi tabellati non rilasciat i : civici ritrovati sul territorio ma non presenti nelle banche dati (principalmente anagrafica)
  • ingressi senza numero : accesso/ingresso non numerato that is present in the territory, but without number
resulting from the filing of the professionals on the site of the building work SIGIT (DIA and Building Permits). You can then find the area all the building work in the type of surgery, date, references to the archive of local practices, to access, buildings and residential units to which the intervention contained in the building practice.

Sheet Information derived from loading on websit SIGIT mapping and cadastral database and allowing you to have a municipal aerophotogrammetric city maps which are found in the existing buildings, stacked or not.
You can also integrate this information layer with the previous year (practice SIGIT) obtaining a city-to-date maps.