Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ideas For Sorority Initiation


The Office of Inter-Gaggiano Corbetta and participated in the Ministerial announcement sponsored by CNIPA and was recognized as the Regional Service Center (TSC).
The project develops new features for inter-municipal offices for the Services and Territorial Cadastral Corbetta and Gaggiano.
The new features pertain to the involvement of local industries for the production and commercial activities, improving land management services, development of indicators for monitoring and integration the procedures of connection between the land and building practices by experiencing Mude (Unique Model for Building Digital).
services in the project are 10 (now in design stage) and cover various topics some of which are important at regional and national levels.


  1. Mude (Unique Model for Building Digital)
  2. design and development of a management software for banks decentralized land
  3. Servizi di consultazione della banca dati integrata edilizia e catastale per utenti esterni tramite WEBSIT SIGIT
  4. definizione di una procedura di acquisizione dei dati catastali dall’Agenzia del Territorio relativi alle nuove pratiche per lo sviluppo delle verifiche di congruità a cui i comuni sono chiamati.
  5. Gestione delle informazioni relative ad attività produttive e commerciali presenti nei Comuni con restituzione delle informazioni nella piattaforma WEBSIT SIGIT
  6. Sviluppo indicatori statistici per il monitoraggio delle trasformazioni spatial and quality of data managed, the service also provides for the development of indicators intended to also assess the quality of the consistency of the databases operated
  7. topographic DB Update: the development of new methods of data acquisition in ' context of the procedures in place to SIGIT, designed to automate the updating of topographic DB. Regions and provinces have expressed interest in identifying entities that can address, in a proper economy of scale, the issue of maintenance of the data.
  8. Transmission of documents for publication on PGT SIT regional activity aims to file documents to PGT in regional SIT, a recent measure has set as a pre-condition for publication in the hoax and that requires specific knowledge on GIS
9 . Issue of CDU (Certificates of urban destination) responds to the municipalities to simplify and improve the activities for the release of the CDU, in view of the possibility that the 'Inter-Office of continuous updating of the cadastral database. Questa attività interesserà un solo comune in via sperimentale, già dotato di PGT, trattandosi di un tema non incluso nella convenzione per la gestione associata, ma che potrà essere di attivato come servizio “a richiesta”.
10.    Servizi per la semplificazione del procedimento di Certificazione energetica degli  edifici in cooperazione con il CENED (Regione)  


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