Monday, December 27, 2010

Cineplex Brampton Ontario Show

toast to wish you a Merry 2011 (Port whomever you want!)

This year, we renew the traditional
Who could not come
a warm greeting
good and prosperous New Year
the regional coordination of
New Forces.
(with others we give them to us)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Tamea Sisco Chiropractic Board



This morning at 9.00 am, during the discussion of school reform in the Senate, the militant student protests across Italy have, in a simultaneous, marked red water fountains in about 100 cities nationwide.
"the blitz this morning our activists want to condemn what is happening at this moment in Italian halls of power: they will cut funding to public school (1 billion euro this year alone), it will prevent the 'free access to knowledge and research in universities will be reduced to minimum, to put it in the hands of private entities, and will be given way to a caste of corrupt impose its will at the expense of popular sovereignty. All this means the death of culture and freedom from the tyranny of the majority and that is why today our fountains are colored red, red as the blood of the students killed or injured in their schools, as red as the accounts of cases of funds for public education, and research universitaria.Lotta Student decided to take this action striking and far-reaching because we are convinced that the reform Gelmini, the current state of affairs, public education is a tough pickaxe. Our mobilization will continue until the withdrawal of the unacceptable and shameful reform.

National Coordination
student protests.

PHOTO BLITZ in Cosenza:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Clinical Depression Signs And Symptoms



Crotone - In a joint action militant activists Mo.Si.Lotta (union movement to fight) and activists of Forza Nuova are pasted on the pavement of the square shapes of Pythagoras man-size, this campsite on the words: "Just step on the rights of Crotone" which was accompanied by the eloquent image of a footprint to boot, the silhouettes were accompanied dall'affissione a banner that read: "Work, Universities and Land Reclamation ... MO.SI.LOTTA. "
The initiative was put in place to launch a loud cry of rebellion, which intends to encourage Crotone young people to fight for their rights (just trampled) to have a bright future and certainly in the hometown, entitlement to permanent employment, right to education, the right not to die of cancer! We call on local institutions and political forces an immediate conciliation board to bring to the city, of course: work, clean the environmental disaster brought by Eni and a serious university, worthy of our history.

David Pirie Regional Coordinator

Forza Nuova Calabria

Felice Torromino
Head Mo.Si.Lotta

Wedding Message And Towel


PRESS RELEASE: From Operation
"R EALE 3" completed by the police of ROS and the Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria, which saw the 'arrest of 12 people, including a regional council pdl, Santi Zappala, a picture emerges as bleak as the precise conditions and political-mafia plots on the recent regional elections of March 28/29, which were won by unanimous center-right in Calabria with Joseph Scopelliti elected governor. So the Ndrangheta had chosen his "winning horses" so that you can control within the institutions the conduct and award of some major contracts. We have new strength in very difficult times we asked the Commissioner of the regions of Calabria, Campania, Sicily, as well as last summer clearly demands as a result of the investigation came out called "Meta" that spoke of "dangerous acquaintances" of ' mayor of Reggio Calabria Scopelliti, now president of the Calabria region. The organizational concept of leaving nothing to chance, and men who prepares bodies in a multitude of things, finds its most complete and full realization in the Pact that some of our politicians huddle with criminal organizations, going to trampled ideologies, programs, promises and hopes that honest and hardworking cittadini affidano con il loro voto a questo manipolo di individui senza scrupoli,i quali pur di occupare una poltrona sono pronti a vendere l'anima al diavolo. Non ci interessa essere giustizialisti, quel che ci preme ribadire è che non si può più sopportare questa logica imperante di politica affaristica ed elettoralistica pregnante di corruzione,la quale va a soffocare le aspettative del nostro popolo calabrese costretto sempre a subire passivamente ogni sorta di ingiustizia, da quella sociale a quella ambientale. In ragione di tutto questo chiediamo a gran voce l'immediato commissariamento della regione Calabria, con relativo azzeramento di tutte le nomine e le cariche promosse da questa Giunta e da questo Consiglio. Invochiamo le elezioni anticipate per ridare un nuovo governo regionale ai cittadini calabresi ed una nuova classe politica dirigente, capace ed integerrima, che sappia rifarsi e ispirarsi alla grandezza dei suoi avi,gente come Pitagora, Alchemeone, Bianchi ed il Cardinal Ruffo. Solo cosi si potrà avere un definivo e concreto rilancio morale,etico, politico e sociale della nostra martoriata ma pur sempre splendida terra e vedere finalmente spuntare l'alba di un nuovo giorno.



Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pinky Adult Film Star Facebook

Letter to Santa Claus (toglici gift ... for half of Crotone and regional politicians!) Elmo

Caro Babbo Natale,
Ti premetto we were good and we suffered in silence.
For Christmas, if you can, you as a gift out of the way the local and regional politicians?
... Maybe send them a gift in Trento and Bolzano, since at Crotone in Calabria and there's nothing to ruin!
Even if we want really good you could take toxic waste (CUBILOT preferably) as a gift to the leaders ENI? Be clear! Only the same amount that have poured into town.
I recommend you do not believe the letters of Zurlo, Vallone, Scopelliti and all other politicians, bring him coal alone because they are not good stewards, but ...
year, please, enough with all those swivels (as they call Pali wind?)! Senator ... as the commissioner does not know even what they are!
I recommend, as you move from Crotone not go round by Cape Colonna, you may stumble nell'amianto thrown near the archaeological zone, which for months the municipality fails to do remove, if we come from the SS 106, which is the careful street with the highest mortality rate ... Do not even come by train, otherwise gifts at Christmas is coming, but next year!
I recommend you do not give eggs to the unemployed and precarious, otherwise than throw them on the mayor and the unions, and then say they were not angry, but, criminals and bad fascists ... who knows who hired! For
Scopelliti, kindly, a book of history of Calabria, what else is still around and babble of Jewish origins in Calabria, and then everybody knows that in Calabria have passed from the Greeks to the Normans, but not if they are just Maccabees seen in antiques!
And with this I close, brings so much peace of mind (social, economic, occupational, and moral) to Crotone in Calabria and to all who suffer from post-war now only oppression and looting, but they've got so much "democracy."
Forza Nuova Crotone

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Used Fishing Boats In Pittsburgh

The national assembly of Achaeans Forza Nuova (IMPRESSIONS)

ROME - Elmo Achaeus also participated, Meeting on 11.12.2010 programmatic movement Forza Nuova held in Rome at Hotel Pineta Palace.
This event represented an important opportunity for discussion with many comrades from all over Italy (over 700) with a simultaneous exchange of experiences and impressions on the state of health (very bad) of our nation.
All work (including those to be mentioned by prof. Cospito, Marzio Gozzoli and Gianni Correggiari) were of considerable thickness, as outlined in the decay at 360 degrees facing our nation because of the disastrous management of the various businessmen (to say the least) that have succeeded one another and to his guidance. Personally
However I particularly appreciated the assistance of a comrade Luigi Marcolongo Atessa young city councilor and councilor forzanovista that very simply reminds us how even in a hostile environment we can achieve results not possible with the right commitment and then how not to mention the greeting message of hope sent by the immense Rutilio Dale, who at age 90 still has the enthusiasm of militancy!
Ovation at the end to Roberto Fiore, both before and after surgery, in which I have seen several times a commotion in the room that I stood beside him.
For us it was a Calabrian feast lasted one day and started from the first light of dawn when we all met in the capital brute departure. During the journey we experienced moments of true and healthy camaraderie and student spirit, breathing the fresh air that only a community of ideas and can give blood. Sympathetic
curtain along the return journey, in which, during a stop, we encountered a bus full of protesters of PD, also returning from Rome, that our mere presence were literally terrified (and to think that we only asked one of them taking a picture) aroused our hilarity. Back in our beloved
Calabria at night, with the customary greetings and the promise to meet again early in the next initiative.
Hugs to all These comrades from all parts of Calabria (Rossano, Crotone, Lamezia, Bonifati, Palmi, Melicucco and Cosenza) with whom I spent an unforgettable day.

President Francesco Russo ass. cult. The ELMO

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rent Moped Scooter Chicago

On the Julian Assange against the New World Order!


How many of you know that to deny that rape Assange (founder and director of Wikileaks) is not a rape in the true sense of the word?
fact it is just a refusal to afford blood tests requested by two Swedish girls who had sex with him voluntarily, in Sweden this is attributable to the crime of rape ... Pretexts for A NICE MAN VERY UNCOMFORTABLE!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Adult Filmstar Database