Thursday, December 16, 2010

Used Fishing Boats In Pittsburgh

The national assembly of Achaeans Forza Nuova (IMPRESSIONS)

ROME - Elmo Achaeus also participated, Meeting on 11.12.2010 programmatic movement Forza Nuova held in Rome at Hotel Pineta Palace.
This event represented an important opportunity for discussion with many comrades from all over Italy (over 700) with a simultaneous exchange of experiences and impressions on the state of health (very bad) of our nation.
All work (including those to be mentioned by prof. Cospito, Marzio Gozzoli and Gianni Correggiari) were of considerable thickness, as outlined in the decay at 360 degrees facing our nation because of the disastrous management of the various businessmen (to say the least) that have succeeded one another and to his guidance. Personally
However I particularly appreciated the assistance of a comrade Luigi Marcolongo Atessa young city councilor and councilor forzanovista that very simply reminds us how even in a hostile environment we can achieve results not possible with the right commitment and then how not to mention the greeting message of hope sent by the immense Rutilio Dale, who at age 90 still has the enthusiasm of militancy!
Ovation at the end to Roberto Fiore, both before and after surgery, in which I have seen several times a commotion in the room that I stood beside him.
For us it was a Calabrian feast lasted one day and started from the first light of dawn when we all met in the capital brute departure. During the journey we experienced moments of true and healthy camaraderie and student spirit, breathing the fresh air that only a community of ideas and can give blood. Sympathetic
curtain along the return journey, in which, during a stop, we encountered a bus full of protesters of PD, also returning from Rome, that our mere presence were literally terrified (and to think that we only asked one of them taking a picture) aroused our hilarity. Back in our beloved
Calabria at night, with the customary greetings and the promise to meet again early in the next initiative.
Hugs to all These comrades from all parts of Calabria (Rossano, Crotone, Lamezia, Bonifati, Palmi, Melicucco and Cosenza) with whom I spent an unforgettable day.

President Francesco Russo ass. cult. The ELMO


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