Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Should Cervix Mucus Look Like Before Period?


testing for activation of application cooperation in information exchange between the Lombardy Region and the CST SIGIT in the activities connected to the Topographical DB.

In January 2010, talks have been held with the Lombardy Region to start the clinical trial application cooperation aimed at activities related to the DB Topografico.La confirms the interest shown by the Lombardy Region for the business and the topics covered SIGIT since it involves a willingness on the part of the Region to create the experiment in question.
Infrastructure for Spatial Information (IIT) was developed through a process that, starting from the need of different organizations to plan and manage the land on the basis of geographic information organized, updated and easy to use, there is the objective of organize a system of geographic services, able to share the information produced by different subjects and make them available in a readily accessible to all users.
infrastructure, coordinated by the Lombardy Region, involves a way of active participation in local and all organizations involved deepening and diffusion of geographic information of our territory.
Infrastructure for Spatial Information (IIT) consists of a set of tools that make it more user-friendly geographic information and these tools are accessible from the portal of the Region Lombardia.Nel detail, cooperation application is the ability to receive an automatic exchange of information for its own application (eg. "demanding" a determined automatically offered to another application to complete its process works). This meets two main requirements: the first concerns the need to integrate the automated back-office for the provision of internal services (from one PA to another) and external (from Public Administrations to citizens), the other concerns the ability to deliver integrated services network to the national final in a transparent and uniform.
The initiative implemented with the Region of Lombardy is strategic as it brings visibility to the local context of CST SIGIT, can lead to situations when dealing regional funding and is also important to achieve the objective to update the ALI DB Topografico.Ad today is being published data compiled from CST SIGIT on regional portal and in particular the data collected regarding access, roads, existing buildings and buildings under construction broken down by data derived from the practices SIGIT (that are differentiated by type of building practice).
part of this activity has been installed by at the headquarters of the Lombardy Region CST SIGIT di Corbetta, una “Porta di Dominio” utile per assicurare lo scambio di informazioni e l’interoperabilità tra il CST e la Regione.
La prima fase di questo progetto è stata concentrata sulla redazione di un progetto ArcGis da inviare a Regione Lombardia, il progetto è comprensivo di shapefile tematizzati in modo da mettere in evidenza le pratiche SIGIT e tutti i nuovi edifici presenti sul territorio. Durante questa attività è stato attivato il servizio WFS (Web Feature Service) che permette la richiesta e l'importazione da parte di un client di oggetti geografici attraverso il Web, usando chiamate indipendenti dalla piattaforma.
La seconda fase della cooperazione Lombardy Region with regard to the publication of data on regional portal, but prior to their publication need to fill in the metadata (information describing a series of data set). Today we are in the process of publication metadata and then later we will proceed with the publication of the project.
To view the minutes of the meeting held on January 19, 2010
click here


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