Saturday, March 5, 2011

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Omologazione (culturale, politica e sociale)...
Una piaga che dilaga in tutti i settori del fare umano, nelle vite di persone sempre più rapite da una dimensione artificiosa (una non realtà), impersonale e replicata massivamente ed industrialmente, dal pensiero alla cultura, dalla moda ai costumi, per non parlare dei prodotti di consumo... Il modello pedagogico è chiaro: Grande Fratello, vogliono educarci ad essere controllati, senza lamentarci. Tramite i mezzi d'informazione di massa ed il cinema stanno creando i nuovi miti: una non cultura che c'incastra e ci prepara ad essere rapiti da mondi virtuali paralleli (simbolo di questa nuova orrenda società), da modelli artificiosi of alternative nature, false and gay couples families with adopted children, new and old drugs, materialism and consumption out of proportion to the nth degree, virtual reality games and Play Station and XBox more realistic ... We are driving a mass of stoned. No
the artificial paradise!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I-catcher Consle-web Monitor

Google celebrates the marriage of William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten-Windsor and Catherine Middleton


A treat for fans of events REAL:

There is a Google technology behind the official website created for the wedding between Prince William and Catherine Middleton. Announced this morning from St. James's Palace, between now and April 29th (the date of the big event), the site - accessible at the link - will be the official source of continuously updated information on weddings for all fans of real events.

The site was created using the technology called Google App Engine , which allows the construction of cloud applications (web) customized and integrated with Google's cloud services called Google Apps.

The choice of Google App Engine - as stated on the pages of the real site - was motivated by the ability of Google technology to support large traffic spikes and access to the site that will increase as they will approach the wedding date. Just imagine that on the day of the event, will be published on this site to preview all the details on Kate's dress!

The site was created by Accenture supported by Google App Engine team and the agency Reading Room for creativity.

Attached : a screenshot of the site

Ufficio Stampa Google Enterprise
Mirka Ritelli
Tel 02 2022151

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cubefield Walkthrough

Cabling Rome

Mancano pochi giorni all'appuntamento con la nuova edizione di Cabling Roma 2011, che si terrà il prossimo March 10 at the Melia Roma Aurelia Antica, Via degli Aldobrandeschi 223 (new location 2011).

Cabling Rome 2011 has something new this year, 'the establishment of a panel of 13 leading companies - 3M, ADC KRONE, BRAND-REX, BTICINO, CORNING, DAETWYLER CABLE, Drake, Ortronics, Panduit, R & M, Schneider Electric, TYCO ELECTRONICS, LS CABLE - vendor of cables and cabling solutions, to which 'was entrusted with defining the contents of the conference and the presentation of the same to the public with a completely cut educational and informative.

The result of this initiative, 'a fast-paced day during which they are proposed actions no longer 'more than 25 minutes on' current trends in the world of structured cabling QUALITY ', as seen in many recent visitors to the Milan edition.

The companies in the exhibition are:

The event 'participation in free, after registration!

To download the invitation with the full agenda of Cabling Rome 2011:

To register online at the event:


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The sociology is the science that studies the social structures, their organizations, policies and processes that together (and separate) persons not only as individuals but as members of associations, groups and institutions.

The field of interest sociology from analysis of short contacts between individuals Anonymous on the road, the study of global social processes, the historical relationship between different societies.

The Yorker International University is pleased to announce that it has enabled for this academic year, the fifteenth edition of the course of study in sociology fully available online.

The distance learning is ideal for anyone who wishes to balance work commitments and learning goals with personal commitments.

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is added to the The Yorker International University Network ( professional network dedicated to international higher education elearning, a blog that will focus on the professional world of education.

The domain of the blog, which is already active, you Yorker-platform Virgil. The blog was created to become a point of reference for those professionals who wish to maintain a dialogue with those working in higher education and vocational training.

"With this blog I would like to share my work and teaching, exchanging ideas and impressions with you because I believe that sharing experiences is the best way to get rich culturally and inwardly, increasing their knowledge about the world. "

A blog that will not only training but also to business, career opportunities, international marketing, psychology of work and organizations, corporate communications.

The Yorker International University is an American institution non-traditional, following the example of the Open University.

These characteristics are reflected in a study without measuring frequency that allows you to not give up his work and social life, but to integrate the academic in his daily life when deciding personally, how and how much time to devote to their academic goals.

Link Resuming:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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The Achaean Elmo announces that the Association is responsible for Cosenza
Antonio Gervasi hopes that good work in full synergy with the other sections

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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PROCESSION OF SUCCESS (February 21, 2011)

We welcome the success of the demonstration called by the trade union movement of Forza Nuova (MO.SI.LOTTA) to protest the emergency employment.
E 'went well also meeting with the mayor of Croton Chambers. Peppino Vallone, who called the town hall, the organizers of the symbols and representatives who attended the parade, which has signed a memorandum of understanding (see illustration) on some key points to lift the city from the employment crisis, who slays the 'economy.
thank the abbreviations are over our 'Ass Fund Jesus Movement "and" Emergency employment. "
It is just unfortunate we have not had the same hospitality by the President of the province.
We have no illusions of any kind, we will continue our fight for the good of the city, this was only the beginning.

will soon be distributed photos of the parade.

Forza Nuova


SEE VIDEO OF CN24-TV: mo-we-fight-down-in-a-square-crotone.html


Thursday, February 10, 2011

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IBM: new agreement with the group KNC

growing network of specialist partners in the Storage

Milan February 28, 2011 - The volume of data to handle is set to grow in any business of all sizes and in all sectors, and the storage market is confirmed in great excitement with many opportunities for all operators can offer advanced solutions.

In this area, IBM has continued to invest over the years and recentemente ha annunciato nuove soluzioni che hanno reso il suo portafoglio di offerta ancora più ricco e completo per far fronte ad ogni tipo di esigenza: dalle più semplici alle più sofisticate.

Ma nuove tecnologie vuol dire anche capacità di disegnare e realizzare progetti complessi, conoscenze specialistiche e in questo contesto vanno letti i continui investimente di IBM sul fronte delle competenze, interne e dei suoi partner.

Per potenziare la propria capacità di offerta in quest’area di mercato, IBM ha siglato un nuovo accordo di partnerhip con il gruppo KNC, da anni punto di rifermento del mercato dello storage italiano.

Nato nel 2000 come market integrator, oggi il gruppo KNC è una organizzazione affermata in grado di analizzare e realizzare progetti ad alto contenuto tecnologico, grazie alla capacità di integrare le migliori competenze della propria rete di fornitori nell’area dello Storage.

“Siamo convinti che la partnership con KNC ci consentirà di tradurre il valore della nostra tecnologia in sostanziali vantaggi di business per le imprese – ha affermato Giovanni Calvio, Storage platform Manager IBM -. Oggi più che ever we are confident that we will continue to remain a leader in the Italian market thanks to the unique quality of the storage of our services and expertise of the network of our partners. "

"We are confident that the choice to join with IBM will enable us to achieve our goals of excellence in terms of the proposed technology and customer satisfaction - commented Massimo Puliani, CEO of Group KNC - and this new challenge represents a turning point in the history of our company. Not fail to seize the opportunity to transfer to the market the great strength of the solutions that now we will have "

For more information:
IBM Italy
Alessandra Apicella
Tel 02.5962.5460
Sara Magri
Tel 02 006629.204
sara.magri @

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Come ogni 10 Febbraio, Forza Nuova ricorda una tragedia che per molti anni è stata dimenticata, o meglio, è stata nascosta da chi avrebbe dovuto raccontare e invece ha preferito tacere. La tragedia delle Foibe, ovvero gli eccidi perpetrati per motivi etnici e/o politici ai danni della popolazione italiana di Istria, Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia, durante ed immediatamente dopo la seconda guerra mondiale, compiuti dall' Esercito popolare di liberazione Jugoslavo.
Dal 1943 al 1947, infatti, migliaia di nostri connazionali, la cui unica colpa era essere italiani, were tortured, murdered and dumped in karst cavities (note the Foibe) by the partisans of Marshal Tito, who is guilty of that plan of extermination and ethnic cleansing.
are lucky, if I may call them, sleep escaped death but forced into exile. Hundreds of thousands of our countrymen, in fact, have sadly left their homeland and with it memories and affections.
Our thought goes to all those men, women and children martyrs of that terrible massacre which, until a few years ago, was not mentioned in official history and even today some continue to consider a massacre of series B, or even worse , by finta che nulla sia successo, visto che vergognosamente in molte zone d’Italia esistono ancora vie o strade intitolate all’atroce maresciallo boia.
E’ dovere di ogni cittadino considerare il 10 Febbraio un giorno di Lutto nazionale, ed è doveroso ricordare questo giorno affinché anche la verità non venga infoibata!


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Oggi, un nutrito gruppo di cittadini del Quartiere Fondo Gesù, guidati dal braccio sidacale di Forza New Croton: THE MO.SI.LOTTA, and his secretary Happy Torromino have accompanied the press and local TV for the neighborhood, to denounce the state of absolute degradation in facing this huge and popular in the village near the village. Tomorrow will
newsstand newspapers with news reports on the issue. There
complemented with Felice Torromino that we renew our respect and the task of driving the trade union movement of Struggle (Mo.Si.Lotta).
David Pirie
- THE JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH (He spent a good article)
- THE Crotonese (He devoted two full pages)
- IL QUOTIDIANO DELLA CALABRIA (Ha dedicato solo un trafiletto, ma conosciamo a quale logiche politiche appartengono)
- RTI TV (Ha dedicato un buon servizio TG)
RASSEGNA STAMPA (da aggiornare)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Report architectonic, Pan-European research by Akamai

Market Report Autodesk

1. Introduction

The impact of the recession years of profits on the construction sector was very strong. Although many commentators are now convinced that the worst is over, most of the architects is far from optimistic.

The RIBA Future Trends Survey revealed that at the end of 2010, the question "What changes are expected in terms of workload in the coming months in his studio? ", over 36% of architects surveyed said they expect a reduction in workload, while 43% unchanged levels of employment and about 78% plan a hiring freeze.

However, since the architectural industry is far from homogeneous, alternating international studies of large companies run by one person, you can also find some positive news.

The survey RIBA rivela, per esempio, che molti studi di piccole e medie dimensioni sono più ottimisti riguardo alle loro prospettive future e si attendono un incremento del carico di lavoro, soprattutto nel settore dell’edilizia residenziale di lusso.

Nonostante la crisi economica rappresenti in questo momento la preoccupazione più grande all’interno del comparto architettonico, ci sono anche altri fattori che stanno influenzando l’edilizia e i suoi processi produttivi. La richiesta di edifici sempre più sostenibili ed efficienti da un punto di vista energetico continua a essere un elemento di importanza cruciale, vista the need to adapt to increasingly complex rules and regulations.

Numerous studies are addressing these new challenges in different ways. Probably the most effective approach has been designed to take advantage of this period of crisis to change and update their working methods.

2. Le sfide

Alla domanda di individuare le tre principali sfide da affrontare, quasi il 40% degli intervistati ha risposto “ottenere nuovi lavori” e circa il 25% “non perdere competitività rispetto agli studi architettonici concorrenti”.

In order to obtain new jobs, studies need to find a way to show their clients that are able to satisfy their request, by giving them exactly what they want. As one respondent said: "I do not just a question of architecture, is also the service we offer to be important for the customer. "

Architects must be more innovative, but success also depends on how quickly which carries out the job without compromising quality. addition, to remain competitive and obtain new projects, it is necessary to have the freedom of action to enable them to reduce costs, if necessary.

When the Respondents were asked to specify the major distinguishing features of their study, the majority (over 60%) chose "relationship with current customers - demonstrating that many architects rely heavily on keeping the status quo, even if, for overcome the challenges of the moment, should be able to attract new customers, rather than simply to maintain existing customers.

3. Implications daily work activities

Alla domanda sulle principali sfide da affrontare durante l’attività lavorativa di tutti i giorni, gli intervistati hanno sottolineato “gestire i cambiamenti nelle fasi finali del processo di progettazione” e “assicurare informazioni coerenti per tutto il processo di progettazione”.

Quando il progetto di un edificio raggiunge gli ultimi stadi del processo di progettazione, ingloba centinaia di informazioni di produzione, oltre al materiale di documentazione. When a change is made, every document relating to the project design and should be checked and revised to reflect the change and ensure consistency.

therefore not surprising that the question "At what stage of the design process efficiencies would have greater impact in terms of profitability?", Over 50% of those surveyed responded to the stage of production of information.

E 'at this stage, in fact, that all the drawings (plans, sections, elevations), the details and work plans are completed and submitted the attention of local authorities to obtain final approval and the way to proceed.

4. How to overcome these challenges?

Some of the most visionary architectural studies for many years understood that to achieve competitive advantage had to innovate their way to work through the Building Information Modeling (BIM).

BIM is an innovative approach to architectural design, originally introduced by Autodesk and now increasingly popular globally. This methodology is characterized by the fact that immediately and continuously make available all information relating to intent, timing and costs of the project, consistent and reliable.

Today there are numerous technologies that support the BIM, but the software based on Autodesk platform Revit are designed specifically for BIM and provide the greatest benefit since they are based on parametric modeling technology. Each design change is automatically applied to any project, and documentation, thus making the process more coordinated and developed more precise.

5. Get new jobs

"The advantage in adopting BIM, especially in the early stages of the design process, is that you can quickly have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to design the building," said one respondent. "This allows you to immediately go to the customer by offering concrete hypothesis and variations so that it can choose how best to proceed."

This can be a real strength when it comes to attracting new customers rather than having to interpret plans and drawings in 2D, the customer has the opportunity right now to see the final appearance of the building. addition, in some cases it may be necessary to share their projects with different clients, for example if you are designing a school building, teachers, local authorities and even the children could make a contribution. Use a dynamic 3D model means that architects are able to work closely with stakeholders and interact with them meeting their demands and showing them what works and what does not and explain the impact of their suggestions on various parts of the model .

But it's not just the outward appearance of the building. The 3D model, in the earliest stages of design, incorporates detailed information on size, number of doors and windows, etc.., All of which are sufficient to draw up a plan in advance the cost reliable.

6. Optimize workflow

BIM can reduce significant time and risk associated with last minute changes and lack of consistency, thereby offering a solution to the factors that architects have identified as key threats to their competitiveness

Allow architects to provide design information richer and more complete from the early stages of the design process, it means helping to reduce the changes in the final stages of the project and thus free them from the main issues during the production of information.

make these operations less demanding returns architects the freedom to develop new projects and increase the level of productivity and efficiency during this phase of work.

7. Conclusions

The fact that architects are paid to make drawings rather than models, may have deceived many studies suggest that the transition to BIM was not necessary. In fact, those companies are starting to implement it, albeit gradually, will soon be able to offer more innovative, higher quality and more quickly. In other words, it will be much more competitive.

adopt a new technology is always difficult, but from the beginning to reinvent its own method of working may seem an undue risk, especially in the current economic climate. However, the results that follow can make all the difference between success and mere survival.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Win Mount And Blade

5 tips for a secure e-commerce

Five tips to allow online retailers to ensure the availability and performance of websites, without slowing down, regardless of geographic location of Internet visitors and conditions of

Last Christmas shopping season was characterized in Europe by a massive series of sophisticated attacks online retailers by hackers. With 25% of annual revenue generated during the holiday shopping season, any downtime for online retailers is a major risk for both the sales and the reputation of the brand. The cyber attacks that hit reality of different types, by finance companies to some of the biggest names in the web, have clearly demonstrated that nobody is immune from the risk of attacks.

Some online retailers have been victims of DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial of Service), which generated traffic of up to 10,000 times the normal volume. Defending against these attacks and other malicious activities such as theft of information, cross-site scripting attacks and application level, is essential for business continuity. Continue safely their activities without the need for massive investment in infrastructure has become a priority business for the future.

Below are 5 tips degli esperti di Akamai Technologies per un e-commerce sicuro e scalabile:

1. Implementare un piano di failover . Minimizzare l’impatto di un attacco DDoS o un aumento imprevisto delle richieste, indirizzando immediatamente i visitatori in una sala d’attesa virtuale o verso un sito alternativo con funzionalità ridotte, in modo tale da mantenerli impegnati mentre si riduce il carico sul back end.

2. Prevenire è meglio che curare . Scaricare le funzioni dell’infrastruttura centralizzata su una piattaforma cloud altamente distribuita per garantire tutti i principali livelli di protezione iniziale dagli attacchi DDoS. Incrementando la scalabilità globale, can handle peak traffic generated by this type of attack: the more is transferred to the cloud, the greater the robustness and scalability of the infrastructure.

3. maximize every opportunity to generate sales using the Cloud to reduce traffic on the back end and increase the number of completed transactions during peak traffic. Redirect part of visitors to a specific section of the site, where you can give them updates on wait times and content such as videos and images of the catalog to involve the visitors until the application server can securely manage new business.

4. Mitigare gli effetti degli attacchi DDoS . Ci sono diversi tipi di attacco DDoS e non esiste quindi una sola strategia che possa mitigarne gli effetti in ogni situazione. Tuttavia, affidarsi a un’architettura basata sul cloud altamente distribuita offre diverse potenzialità di difesa, permettendo di bloccare gli attacchi DDoS vicino alla fonte e in tempo reale e impedendo che i collegamenti siano congestionati. Aggiungere alle difese un livello di sicurezza globalmente distribuito significa proteggersi da diversi tipi di problemi causati dagli attacchi DDoS, sia che agiscano su una singola macchina, su un data centre o a livello rete. E’ inoltre possibile aumentare la protezione di risorse importanti, come ad esempio i dati delle transazioni con carta credit, ensuring compliance with the requirements of PCI (Payment Card Industry), without additional investment.

5. security services based on the cloud: a good alternative to e-security traditional . Traditional systems of security, such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems and solutions for network scan are no longer able to provide the flexibility and scalability needed to ensure protection from the threats of recent days, massive and distributed in a widespread manner. Not only that, trying to protect against all known vulnerabilities and can result in enormous costs to the detriment of the business if not done correctly. Services cloud-based security can reduce the costs of IT management and planning, leveraging the scalability of the Internet to provide on-demand capabilities to protect the infrastructure and ensuring business continuity, in any condition

About Akamai

Akamai ® provides cloud computing services to optimize content and applications, mobile Web, online video in HD and ensure a secure e-commerce. Joining a distributed computing capabilities and efficient with sophisticated software, the global platform Akamai has transformed the cloud to a place more suitable to inform, entertain, transact and collaborate. To find out how leading companies around the world optimize their business on the cloud, visit @ Akamai and follow on Twitter.

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Crotone 2011: close alliance between the New Forces and PASQUALE SENATOR


Per le prossime elezioni amministrative di primavera, Forza Nuova ha stretto un patto d'alleanza con Pasquale Senatore; infatti il movement to support the candidature of former mayor of the city.

Our activists will form (as independent of Forza Nuova) in the civic lists that will support the candidacy of Senator.

optimal choice dictated by the alchemy that has been created, where it smashes the old political class has allowed a job so important, equidistant between PD and PDL and usually politicume.

All this will result in a battle made lists of civic and decent people against the strategic domain of the major parties and politicians on a tired and battered citizenship.

Un avventura che spalancherà le porte del consiglio comunale ad una nuova classe politica, giovane, nazional-popolare, forte del suo entusiasmo e guidata comunque da un amministratore di esperienza, amatissimo e scevro di macchie come Pasquale Senatore.

Davide Pirillo - FORZA NUOVA

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Milena Velba Wikipedia

CROTONE FN: 10 years of consistency, activism, passion and struggles for the idea and for our city! (A DIFFERENCE OF ABOUT 3 MONTHS BEFORE BIRTH OF ELECTIONS) Lamezia

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Forza Nuova: FN and the circle is the crusade against privatization ...

Forza Nuova Lamezia: FN E IL CERCHIO E LA CROCE CONTRO LA PRIVATIZZAZIO... : "Lamezia Terme, 26 gennaio 2011 – “Il movimento politico Forza nuova e l’Associazione culturale Il Cerchio e La Croce, decidono after together ... "

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Crotone, an event in February: PRO WORK, HOUSING CONSTRUCTION PRO, NO ticket,


the town of Crotone (Important to turn)


Dear fellow citizens and the province of Crotone, we inform you that February will be organized a large demonstration PACIFICA and transversal the streets of Crotone.


    - RESET FOR TOTAL PER ticket, unemployed and socially weak groups


require the involvement of all Crotone are busy and do not climb high in the sky to the cry of protest, and above all that is experiencing extreme hardship Crotone. The details of event will be published shortly. Do not back out ... Crotone is also yours!

David Pirie (Forza Nuova)

Luca Alfie (Occupational Emergency)

Torromino Felice (Mo.Si.Lotta)

Info: 3282028153


Monday, January 17, 2011

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CROTONE: The CPA has only brought: despair, prostitution and AIDS! STOP IMMIGRATION! (Social Awareness Campaign) ... by FN-KR

Sunday, January 16, 2011

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Lamezia Terme, January 15, 2011
"The new rules concerning the exemption of the ticket introduced by the regional government calabrese e stabilite nell’ottica dell’applicazione del Piano di rientro della sanità,vanno a ledere e colpire i diritti e le tasche dei cittadini”. Così, Igor Colombo, responsabile di Forza Nuova - Lamezia Terme. “In riferimento a questa nuova normativa voluta dalla Giunta Scopelliti - prosegue Colombo - sono esentati dal pagamento del ticket quattro fasce divise per patologie non più in base dunque alla presentazione del modello Isee attestante la reale situazione economica di ciascuna famiglia. Dal 1° gennaio tutto è cambiato e molta gente che prima era esentata dal pagamento del ticket su farmaci e varie prestazioni specialistiche,oggi si ritrova a dover far fronte a questa ulteriore spesa che pesa come un macigno sul già dysfunctional household budgets Calabria. Is in fact set aside the income threshold of 10 000 € for your exemption and sets the various family doctors nell'ingarbugliata situation of having to be themselves to establish and certify the exemption of payment of the ticket in their patients According to a specific list that should be in their possession and that makes clear distinction in the unemployed, ie those who have lost their jobs and the unemployed, those waiting for their first job and that the latter are precisely those most affected by this new system were forced to pay the ticket on drugs and medical services. Therefore, no real social policy was put in place to encourage the economically poor, even more difficulties arise for these people, as well as economic and logistical also of unprecedented waste of time. In fact we are witnessing these days in our city to file exhausting of desperate citizens in our health district, all intent and eager to receive information about their potential and called for exemption from payment of the ticket. I think what is happening very serious and detrimental to the health rights of citizens. Lamezia is very impacted by the health plan's return, for it rules on the ticket, both with regard to the much discussed and criticized for designation spoke to our city hospital. You can safely speak of Lamezia like a city scorned and betrayed, because the current governor Scopelliti has snapped up the votes on our territory in 'last electoral contest that saw him absolute victor, promising the restoration of the old local health and a better quality of health in Lamezia. All these beautiful promises as we have seen have been a dead letter, we see instead a local health getting worse, with a reduction of beds in our hospital and with rising costs that are subject to discharge on the poor. I would like to know where they are by the President Scopelliti to Lamezia in health and praised them as excellent and as mentioned tangible benefits this Plan return has really brought to the public. I ask this question not only the governor, to all those politicians Lametini that until now have sung the praises of this, they say, great repayment plan. Despite all these outrageous measures that penalize Lamezia and its most vulnerable citizens (pensioners, unemployed, unemployed) I think the only way forward is to nationalize the health care system, so removing it finally out of the hands of politics and parties in over the years have exploited and turned into a business, participating through this area of \u200b\u200bthe Eldorado of the partitions and seating assignments, thus contributing to clear the entire indebt then the whole system by releasing on the shoulders of citizens, who are thus forced to having to deal with a quality of service increasingly scarce and increasingly expensive. I hope that the next City Council - concluded Igor Colombo - have dealt with these issues that are decided Lametini citizens and I firmly believe that the presence of the governor and commissioner of health, Scopelliti, and as many opportunities as important, if only for ensure that the president of the Regional plays and take note of the serious situation created among citizens as a result of decisions made about the health of its regional government. "

Sunday, January 9, 2011

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RAID vandalism to SEAT UNDER NEW CREDIT (CS) ... These are the "Pacific"!

Ennesimo atto vandalico nei confronti della sezione forzanovista di Bonifati

Ignoti,o presunti tali,infatti sono tornati all’azione la scorsa notte imbrattando il portoncino della sede e le pareti circostanti con frasi del tipo”L’unico fascista buono è il fascista morto”,“ Fascisti carogne”con firma finale“Azione Antifascista”. I vandali hanno anche imbrattato altre pareti del nostro amato paese ,rovinando la bellissima giornata di sole ai cittadini presenti in piazza. I codardi, come nel loro stile e come nel loro dna,hanno agito di night, when honest people in the rest and there is no militant. Their intimidation has not had any effect on us, even those who knows us knows that these actions, we urge even more to fight this stupid fake-the Democratic system that makes man powerless and devoid of thought. Clearly, those responsible dell'ignobile gesture should not be just a genius young activists like us who are only guilty of wanting to implement a social plan to revive our beloved country from decay. Without any rancor invitation makers dell'ignobile gesture to move within during the day, knocking and if they have the ability and courage to support us with a healthy exchange of ideas and opinions, thus avoiding unnecessary gestures immo panels.


SOLIDARITY 'by the Regional Coordinator

Regional coordination of Forza Nuova is in solidarity with the comrades of Bonifati and throughout the province of Cosenza, victims of yet another attempt to prevent the Our free political thought, from four vandals covered a sedicen te "antifascismo" calabrese. Comunque torno a ripetere che serrande e muri non rispondono, se asvete qualcosa da dire chiamateci che saremo ben felici di darvi "chiarimenti"...

Davide Pirillo Coord. Reg. FORZA NUOVA