Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Quo Cosmetics Brushes Review

Crotone 2011: close alliance between the New Forces and PASQUALE SENATOR


Per le prossime elezioni amministrative di primavera, Forza Nuova ha stretto un patto d'alleanza con Pasquale Senatore; infatti il movement to support the candidature of former mayor of the city.

Our activists will form (as independent of Forza Nuova) in the civic lists that will support the candidacy of Senator.

optimal choice dictated by the alchemy that has been created, where it smashes the old political class has allowed a job so important, equidistant between PD and PDL and usually politicume.

All this will result in a battle made lists of civic and decent people against the strategic domain of the major parties and politicians on a tired and battered citizenship.

Un avventura che spalancherà le porte del consiglio comunale ad una nuova classe politica, giovane, nazional-popolare, forte del suo entusiasmo e guidata comunque da un amministratore di esperienza, amatissimo e scevro di macchie come Pasquale Senatore.

Davide Pirillo - FORZA NUOVA


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